Monday, December 11, 2006

24 hours

In about fifteen minutes I will be going back to sleep, signaling the end of my first 24 hours in this project.

I decided to go out to dinner and to a movie with my girlfriend. so at about 7:30 we met up at the movie theatre and got our tickets and then i drove us to the restaurant we wanted to eat at, I went in and made reservations for 8:30. I went back out to my car where I had set up a pretty comfy bed in the backseat and gave my girlfriend my laptop so she wouldn't be bored and asked her to wake me. at 8 I went to sleep. I didn't feel like I was sleeping but when I got up I felt like I had slept for hours and it felt pretty great. We went to dinner and to the movie("Stranger than fiction" it was quite excellent) afterwards we met up with Jetgyp at Stake and Shake and had a good time. Now I'm back at his place again and about to sleep

1 comment:

beeswax said...

lol I like how you incorporated alittle mystery into the mix: "I drove us to the restaurant we wanted to eat at".
What restaurant did they eat at? We may never know.