Saturday, December 5, 2009


I've posted the following as a message to anyone with whom I have ever attempted to have an intelligent philosophical conversation. I originally drafted it as an email to Joel, so he deserves some credit for inspiration if he wants it. I post intending it to be both an insight into me in order to improve our communication and also a disclaimer for the things I say. I feel it is only fair for me to share this publicly if I intend to speak in a way that promotes progress and development:

"So, a funny thing happened to me today. I am sitting in my room thinking while taking a break from working on homework. I grab a slice of pizza and ask myself who I am I start to think about and break down some of the abstractions that I usually rest my judgment on. This of course changes my perspective. Now I am thinking about things that I usually ignore for sake of convenience. Now I can see the path that I am on and I can experience as a whole what I understand. I cannot explain it, I cannot communicate it, but I know what I know and I know what I don't know. I have to, at this point, attempt to be perfectly honest with myself and everyone; to speak in this manner despite how foolish I may sound because it is the only way that I know to improve myself. I have reached this point because of what I have learned; because every time I learn something, I realize that I know less than I thought I knew. Though really I suppose this is just the feeling of new awareness. I think I had taken it for granted.

You see, but I also am aware of the fact that the culmination of what I know is incomplete and so therefore could be DEAD WRONG when viewed with respect to how much there could be to know. However, to act as a sane person, I must behave with the assumption that my assumptions are correct and it is with this assumption that I am most unassured.

So basically this means that the only reason I am not a crazy person is because I don't want to be. Luckily I do know that I don't want to be a crazy person, but I don't know why.
I hope that this doesn't make me seem crazy, however. (Note I am kind of following your lead here and breaking social norms[ by giving you my thoughts in an unedited form here and it is important that you know this in order to properly understand this. I am being as explicit as possible.] )

But this space is a bit uncomfortable because I don't like acting with out all of the information, even though we all must do it boldly, everyday. I suppose that's why courage is what powers the most heroic, terrific and the most terrifying of all."

I'm not sure if this communication is clear. It is likely to be misinterpreted due to an err on my part, but I thought I should give it a shot anyways. I'm not going to worry about if it is clearly understood or not, because I know that I cannot at this moment in time explain it any better. However, criticism is appreciated if available because the new information may help me to better communicate.

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