Thursday, January 21, 2010

The importance of "Why?"

We often are faced with an objective situation for which we cannot find any objective reason. Sometimes, in these situations we are never-the-less faced with the question: "Why?"

Usually, in order to move on with our lives peacefully we come to some form of this answer: "That's just the way it is." This is a great step, now we can accept reality and continue on in a productive manner. This is especially helpful if the situation was emotionally paralyzing, such as the death of a close and/or good person.

But if we just stop here we miss a great opportunity to learn. "That's just the way it is." is a solid answer, but it is not the only answer you have in your mind. If you are honest with yourself you will find that somewhere in your mind you have another explanation. It may seem a little weird, crazy, cruel, harsh, over-sensitive or it may even seem a bit dull. No matter what your answer is, it is important. This answer is one of the truest reflections of who you are. Meditate on it, think (or pray!) about it before you go to bed; ask yourself why you think this, or feel this way. But even if it is negative DO NOT beat yourself up over it! Try this: "This is just the way I am right now." If you do not like what you find then you must change it, but you will get nowhere by getting down on yourself (actually, this negative thinking will ensure that you NEVER change for the better). Again, if you catch yourself doing this, don't get down on yourself. Accept the way you are, but also accept that you CAN change. Accepting yourself may include accepting the fact that you are too hard on yourself! Do not stifle this anger, but redirect it. Use it to motivate yourself, not destroy yourself. (I.E. if something makes you mad don't yell at it, CHANGE it!) Look back on your life. There is no doubt that you have changed many times; the only difference is that now you are guiding your change.

It is also important to note what types of situations to which we ask "Why?" as this also reveals an aspect of who we are.

Do not underestimate the importance of knowing yourself. In my opinion, if you do not know yourself then there is little else of importance that you can know. For instance when you know yourself you can know others better because you can weed out all of your own traits that you have projected onto them without realizing it. Not to mention that by knowing who you are today you can understand how to become the person you want to be tomorrow.

Let's think some more about "That's just the way it is."

This is an extremely important answer that is not simple, though the sentence itself is. Think about this sentence, which is contained within: "That is the way it is." This is the ONLY fact we will ever know without any assumptions. But we must keep in mind that what we see isn't always what is there, so the real sentence is: "That is the way I perceive it." "it" in both of these sentences refers to reality; "that" refers to the situation. So, our perception essentially becomes our reality. This is how we can come to know ourselves through seemingly external situations.

This doesn't have to be restricted to situations; it can also be applied to any observation you make of the universe or anything in it.

Now, look at this piece of abstract art:

What "why" questions does this bring to your mind? Now please post any question you come up with below. It does not matter how simple or complicated it is (or even seemingly irrelevant) the question IS important. Post anonymously if you want.

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