Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Little Dream Magic to Improve Motivation and Solve Your Problems (Why do we dream?)

This is a technique that I came up with today. I was speaking to my close friend, trying to help her address a personal issue. She told me that she had been thinking about it yesterday and that she assumed she would feel better today but when today came she only felt worse. I thought, and said "Well, if you think about something all day, you are bound to think about it when you sleep." She had been thinking about something upsetting all day long and felt lethargic and depressed the next morning as a result!

From this thought I developed the following technique for improving your optimism and motivation in life as well as solving all of your problems and achieving your dreams (Pretty much)

For about 15 minutes before you go to bed every night do the following thinking:

First concentrate on all of the positive things in your life. Feel thankful for every little thing that you have. Do this for about five minutes.

Next, consider all of your aspirations and dreams. No matter how extreme they are, fill yourself with hope. Visualize yourself achieving these goals. Do this for about five minutes.

Third, think about the problems/difficulties you are facing in your life or any questions you have that you are struggling with. Consider possible solutions in as hopeful a manner as possible. Now tell yourself that everything will turn out for the best and believe it, have confidence. Reassure yourself that you are capable and that the answers will come with time. Do this for about five minutes.

Concentrate finally on a sense of peace and hope, fall asleep with this feeling

This will serve several purposes:

1) Your mind will also work on your problem, when you wake up you may have the answer! Even if you don't quite have the answer, you WILL be closer to understanding. Science has proven that thinking about problems before going to sleep helps your mind to solve them.

2) Visualization has long been taught as a step to success. By visualizing what you want you are focusing your mind on the things you care most about doing. So your brain will be thinking all night figuring out ways to make it possible!!!

3) Your brain will continue to think in this positive manner while growing overnight, ingraining optimism and motivation into your brain's pattern. Note that your brain's pattern is also referred to as YOU.

4) We know from experience that thinking about something bad before sleeping makes you feel bad the next day.

5) Relaxing and thinking relaxing, comforting thoughts will help you to fall asleep quickly and restlessly

Notice the first three. This technique will help you: develop the solutions to your problems, find the path to your dreams and give you the motivation to implement both!!!

This technique will help you to achieve your dreams. Perhaps whatever force which is guiding us taught us to take advantage of these facts by teaching us prayer?

I believe that if we have an intelligent creator this may be the REASON that we dream. It provides us with a way to program our desires into our subconscious mind in order to actualize them.

Changing your mind is the first step to changing your world. Take the step. Now!


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