Yesterday went fairly well for the Logging of my events. I did have a little trouble with remembering to write things don, but I got most everything to a pretty acurate degree.
Also yesterday I started writing a program in C++ which would let me enter in the date and then begin entering my daily log in, one event at a time. I would enter the time, description and select the type of activity it would be classified as(Free time, work, wasted time, etc.) It could then give me percentages of my time usage and other types of results n a daily, weekly, and monthly baisis. WIth this too it would make it much easier for me to track my trends and see where I need improvment and where I already have improved. I had a lot o trouble writing this however, I couldn't get the program to write the text files the ay I wanted. But a new idea just came to me that (after i solve my first problems) might work better than writing my programs to write to text files. I could have the program write programs about each day I enter, and then later write a program to call back the days I want to compare and then compare them for me. I don't know though, I'm going to have to experiment more with these ideas first.
Unfortunatley I already see some of my goals fading from my motivation. Part of this came after consulting with my friends. I was talking to them about the sleep pattern that I wanted to start and they did not like it very much. This is mostly because they like to be out late and me going to bed at 10 or maybe 11 would conflict with my time with them. After looking at this I began to consider possibly adaption a Biphasic sleeping pattern of sleeping 1AM to about 6AM and then 3PM to 4:30PM. This would work with my school schedual and my friend schedual, but i just noticed a flaw today when I got to work. The shifts at my workplace go from 9:30AM to 3:30PM and then 3:30 PM to 9:30PM. So i definatly would not be able to work at all during the week, and i could work just weekend mornings which I would not mind because I would not be sleeping in any more BUT the shift goes till 3:30 and I'm supposed to sleep at 3. I think what I am going to do is to just go ahead and adapt this schedual starting December 9th and just trying to push my sleeping back a half hour on the weekend days.
I also have been have trouble practacing my OBEs, this is mainly due to an extra lack of sleep and time I've been having the past couple of days, because while I have been trying I keep falling asleep or just losing focus way to early in the meditation process. Hopefully I'll be ableto pick up the slack a little this weekend.
More important than to OBEs right now though, is FINALS I have my four finals next week and I need good grades. I plan on going to the help session for Calculus on Tuesday, and there is one for Chemistry I need to go to as well. My Intro to Engineering final is a presentation and a paper I've already written most of, so that shouldn't be a problem. The only other one I have is programming which I really need to do very well on to get my grade back to an A. I'm not really that worried about these Exams, but I still need to be sure I put enough time and effort in so that I don't want to slap myself later. If I maintain a 3.0 then I get $750 from the government in January, if I don't then I get muh less. I pretty much need that money, so I need to be sure to EARN IT!
Monday, December 4, 2006
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